工廠車間通風機通風降溫:hrw condemns swedish retailer h&m
Adidas and H&M, for their part, said that they are already publicly disclosing their suppliers and are already dealing with the problems mentioned in the study, according to HRW.
索尼中國官微曝光的Xperia Z4的渲染圖中,機身整體設(shè)計十分硬朗。機身左右兩側(cè)各有一個卡槽,前置攝像頭位于正中心,上下?lián)P聲器的設(shè)計也與前代有所不同。而更令人感到驚奇的是,圖中Z4采用了“小圓點”的Home鍵。
Human Rights Watch (HRW) has reproached Swedish retailer H&M for allegedly making use of child labor and maintaining poor work conditions in its Cambodian factories, news reports said.